
At Primary English Education we work hard to bring you high-quality resources and interesting blog posts. We call this our ‘content’. We want you to use our content, whether free or paid for, that’s what we make it for, but we ask that you do so bearing the following points in mind.

We retain ownership of the content you download or read on the Primary English website.

You should not use examples and ideas from our blog content without first seeking our permission (we’re very generous so the chances are we’ll say yes).

You should not claim our content as your own. If you’re sharing our written content, reference us and/ or create links to the Primary English website.

Do not reproduce our content (free or paid-for) for your financial gain. We produce high-quality content at extremely competitive prices because we believe in making your life easier rather than making a pot of gold. If you do copy our content for financial gain, expect to hear from us.

If you have any questions about our copyright policy, please email us: